Art Gallery

Polina Karuso

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Australian Landscape
My Mind, My Body & Me

Art Gallery


View the world through the eyes of Polina Karuso. Every piece of art is created with passion and unique energy.

Art Gallery

Working studio

Dive head first into the magical world of art. Polina provides a wealth of knowledge and is passionate about sharing her love for art with others.

Art Gallery

Frequenty Asked Questions

See commonly asked questions below, if you do not see the answer your looking for reach out directly and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Yes, Polina is creating her art at her working studio daily, but all viewings are by appointment. Contact to schedule today.

Yes! Everyday we are shipping Polina Karuso masterpieces all over the world.

Art Gallery

Largescale Paintings

In addition to her small scale art work, Polina also offers large scale paintings that are available for purchase at her gallery.